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Our Story

-The 2Paratroopers Story-


Daren and Jim met in April of 1984 while awaiting a flight from Dallas Fort Worth to Basic Training at Fort Sill, OK. They were in the same platoon in Basic Training, AIT, and Jump School at Fort Benning. They were then assigned to the same battalion, 1st Bn 319th FA in the 82d Airborne Division, when they arrived at Fort Bragg, and both served as Forward Observers in the 13F MOS.


They caroused the streets and nightclubs of Fayetteville NC and staggered their way back to Fort Bragg. They jumped into deserts, jungles, forests, and mountains together, and humped the endless klicks with rucksacks that weighed more than some of the girls they were dating. They froze, burned, and in general busted up their bodies while pushing them to extremes most people don’t think of as possible.


And they paid the price so many veterans have. They reconnected on social media after over twenty years following ETS, and they learned that both of them had multiple conditions as their reward for their service…”service connected” in VA parlance. But getting them to be recognized as “service connected” by the VA had proven to be a challenge.


They worked together with VA disability attorneys and learned the regulations the VA uses for evaluating medical evidence, and they built a network of surgeons (and physicists!) who could provide winning Nexus Letters for these conditions, and ultimately got their claims granted. They had cracked the code.


And winning Nexus Letters they are! These aren’t just blurbs from “any of a list of acceptable medical experts”. These are richly cited scholarly papers from MDs specializing in the field in question, e.g., a real Doctor of Podiatric Medicine speaking to foot and ankle conditions rather than an Oncologist or Physician’s Assistant, and so on. That is the kind of probative weight you need to carry you through every roadblock and speedbump toward service-connection and believe us when we tell you the VA will place many of these in front of you.


They call their product The Mother of All Nexus Letters, and if you ever see one, you’ll know why.


And then you, too, will call it The Mother of All Nexus Letters.

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